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The Exact 4 Steps To Attracting Aligned Love

Putting into words the steps necessary to bridge from feeling (and being) abandoned to feeling loved and cherished with a dream-partner, can be done in many ways... But I don't think I've ever made it this simple and clear to understand.

Putting into words what is necessary to bridge from feeling (and being) abandoned to feeling loved and cherished with a dream-partner, can be done in many ways. There are so many ways to approach a subject, and each way will resonate to someone differently. It depends per person and their current perception and vibration how much a message will click, or not.

Today I will share with you a broad, but really clear perspective on how to move from where you are to having a relationship with mutual soulful love and appreciation.

Here’s what I do:

1. I break with negative momentum

Mostly I didn’t even know I was doing it, but eventually one will always become aware of it.. Either because your energy starts to get lower, you’re noticing physical pains in your body, or other unwanted manifestations occur.

It’s a total downward spiral. And many people find themselves in it. The goal is to break with negative momentum asap, before it takes you down all the way to an unwanted manifestation.

2. I create space & awareness

My favorite way of breaking with negative momentum is through mindfulness. A daily meditation, and daily time and space to just be and listen to my body and feelings in the moment, do so much! It raises my vibe and offers mental clarity. 2 Key Essentials in Attracting Navigating LOVE, or anything in life really. I usually do this by connecting with nature.

You know.. It might be shocking to you how simple this advice is. But the truth is, it really doesn’t take EFFORT to have what you want. That’s just a human concept, that keeps you away from it.

3. I create positive momentum

When the mind is clear, I find myself at a turning point, where I have the choice in which thought I’m going to entertain next. You can create positive momentum by appreciating the things you currently have in your life, focusing your attention inward, thinking thoughts that bring relief and so on. Anything that feels better than what you did before.. Voila, before you know it you’re in an upward spiral and for sustainable results that’s the one you need to keep up!

Which of these points seem like the biggest challenge to you?


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