Is This Really The Secret to Attract Love Consistently And Turn Stagnant, Unfulfilling Soul Relationships Around to Harmony & Bliss?
Get from relationships what you want!
Allow loving, soulful and aligned relationships in a sustainable, gentle and conscious way through:
Is This Really The Secret to Attract Love Consistently And Turn Stagnant, Unfulfilling Soul Relationships Around to Harmony & Bliss?
If you’re an awakened, soulful lover with a desire for true, aligned and romantic love… and you want to learn how to overcome the ‘challenges’ you currently face, the circumstances that seem to hold you apart…
Then this may be the most important page you’ll ever read.
Here’s why:
I’m going to show you the most life changing discovery I’ve ever made...
And I’m going to show you how to apply it to YOUR life, almost instantly.
The reason I say ‘’most life changing discovery I’ve ever made’’ is because…
I have completely upleveled ALL of my relationships (family, friends, colleagues and lovers) by using THIS method and finally attracted the behaviour I desire and deserve from my soulful lover.
(and to put that in perspective, the far majority of the world has no clue how to achieve that, attributes it to luck, coincidence or higher powers and ends up settling in love and ‘accepting’ average relationships, behaviour and experiences. Most likely in all areas of their life.)
So how did I do it?
Well, I focused on one MAGNETIC PROCESS.
I mastered the art and science of aligning my energy to my desires...
ALIGNING ENERGY is the ONE secret that allows me to UPLEVEL my love-life over a short period of time.
And if you don’t know what aligning energy is, that’s okay!
Put simply, aligning energy refers to a process that makes you magnetic to your desire by helping you become your desire WITHIN, first. As within, so without.
This may include a series of action-steps like re-claiming your power, breaking with negative mental-momentum, getting clear on your goals, daydreaming, embodying unconditional love… and NURTURING THE PRACTICAL, ACTION SIDE OF IT. (the inevitable result of energy-alignment, and they surely go hand in hand)
And when I discovered energy alignment… EVERYTHING CHANGED.
I went from feeling upset, confused and powerless (overanalyzing behavior, obsessing over signs and synchronicities, reading stuff online without results) to a confident, clear and happy love-magnet.
All because of working on my energy.
Imagine what could happen if you could DO THE SAME FOR YOURSELF?
Imagine how that could change your relationship.. And life?
If you really are focused and committed to making the inner changes necessary, you will be mind blown by what happens in your relationship(s) as a result of that.
You would feel loved, attractive and as your best self… And could cultivate a beautiful, deep and fulfilling relationship to the one you love. Dominated by harmony, respect and appreciation.
Most importantly, you will learn how to create spiritual wealth from within.
I have personally been able to heal my family- relationships, manifest apologies from friends, lovers and clients, witnessed exes trying to come back into my life - including all possible men I have ever been interested in to the slightest (pretty mind blowing), and attracted beautiful romantic chemistry with a soulful lover/soulmate/twin flame.
All with ONE successful method!
But applying this method can be hard.
It can take years of trial and error with little
to no results..
(you may have some strong patterns that
go against it).
So without the support you need, it may seriously be very hard to really hear the messages of the process and apply them correctly.
The good news is...
I am going to help you!
You don’t have to worry about trying to figure out how to do it on your own; all you have to do is soak up the EXACT words of deep and profound knowledge you need to know and partake in the exercises and meditations I created for you.
You will receive the proven, specific insights that helped me transform fast, tackling all possible pitfalls in your thinking and doing.
.. and I will put MY expert-eye on YOUR unique situation and walk with you to make sure you keep making progress and reach your goal.
As a result.. you’ll grow your confidence as a lover and partner & will get from relationships what you want.
Does that sound like something you want?
If it is, I can help you.
Getting amazing results and actually pulling this off is - like most things - harder than it looks.
And totally transforming yourself takes time and effort.
In order for me to really help you, I need to work with you personally for about 6 months!
If you’re interested in working together…
Here’s what I’ve got:
I’m looking for a few ideal clients to work with me exclusively in my private LOVE CHAMP bootcamp.
I’d like you to join me,
our entire focus is on ONE THING… helping you breathe LOVE and become a total, undeniable magnet to your relationship desire with you special person.
Here’s What’s Included in LoveChamp Bootcamp:
We’ll begin with a 1:1 private onboarding session (90 minutes) to outline your plan for success.
You’ll receive 6 modules of world's most valuable love and relationship knowledge on attracting fulfilling soulful relationships and expert exercises that will support you in completely changing your beliefs and energy (and dissolve your blocks).
We’ll work together (for a minimum of 6 months) through my exclusive comprehensive program filled with diverse learning experiences and resources to help you become a CHAMPION OF LOVE ™.
Through these modules I’ll hand you my formula that completely upgraded me and my relationships.
The formula is as follows:
A: Take Responsibility
B: Break with Negative Momentum
C: Allow New Momentum
D: Create Consciously
E: Take Inspired Action
F: Relate Consciously
During this advanced program you’ll discover how to reach emotional autonomy and transform your relationships with energy-alignment as your foundation.
4. We’ll meet weekly in online video calls as you need where I’ll offer my expert eye on your unique situation and I will personally guide you to embody love and consistently attract love to you.
This is an intimate setting where I’ll help you implement your newly gained knowledge and insights from the program.
And between our meetings, it’s important to keep momentum, that’s why…
5. You report your progress, insights and pitfalls through the weekly accountability form and receive personal feedback from me each Monday!
6. You get a free 6-month membership in the Champions Of Love Community where you can connect with like-minded people, join masterclasses, group meditations, AMA's, and keep each other accountable.
7. And there’s also a whole bunch of bonuses, like my Channeled Guided Meditations (+ I upload a new one every month), My TOP Reading List, A LOVE Clutter Cheat Sheet, and more!
If accepted, I can absolutely guarantee that you’ll have my attention, and you’ll be thrilled with your transformations and insights.
In the end, my goal is to help you become autonomous and self-reliant on this matter. And I will be your biggest cheerleader along the way.
Before You Apply, Let Me Be Honest:
LoveChamp Bootcamp is NOT for everybody
First, you’ll be required to implement what you learn… and fill in a weekly accountability report where we can both witness your progress and share your results. (i.e. - ‘’you gotta do the work’’.)
And, you’ll be asked to share what’s working in your relationship with the rest of the group (just as they will be required to share that with YOU).
In other words…
I’m picky about who I’ll work with, and I’ve got a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed.
Here’s who I CAN help…
You must have a sincere desire for a loving, mature and respectful SOUL-relationship and be aware that there’s more to life than meets the eye (e.g. have some spiritual awareness).
This is for people who value love above all and simply want to learn how to attract more love and relationship-satisfaction FAST, and FOREVER!
You have to be willing to honestly change and let go of the struggle, and you have to want it NOW.
This is specifically for people who feel like now is their time to be elevated - you don’t see any point in staying where you’re at if you know you can have it all and there’s a clear path to it.
You MUST walk through the course and actually implement the exercises.
Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do anything weird. But you DO have to actually implement the stuff I gave you!
That’s it! Those are all my requirements.
Here’s How To Apply:
I’ve created a simple application process to discover if we are a match to working together.
Here’s how it works:
If you meet the requirements as stated above, you click the application link below.
This brings you to my calendar to schedule a video-call to meet us and answer your questions (and ask you a few more as well).
That call will be maybe 30 minutes and if we both still think we’re a good match, I’ll invite you to join me.
Time is A Factor:
This opportunity is extremely limited because there are only a few slots available to work with me 1:1.
If you feel like this is right for you, click the ‘’Apply Now’’ link and fill out an application before spots fill up and you miss out on this opportunity for a while!
If you have ever...
Struggled to attract a lover who feels like home and who really loves you..
Struggled to keep the lover you attracted.. and find them coming and going..
Feel like the whole universe is conspiring to bring the two of you together, but somehow you don't have what you want..
Invested time and effort on healing a relationship but never got the results you hoped for..
Driven yourself crazy, trying to figure out ‘relationships’ and soul-connections..
Felt like you quite get it, but something is missing..
Felt triggered by the behaviour of your divine counterpart, but don't know how to create harmony and peace within the relationship..
Wanted to experience the loving and fulfilling relationship you desire..
…LoveChamp™ Bootcamp is for YOU.
This coaching walks you through every step to becoming a CHAMPION OF LOVE™ and includes an expert eye on your unique situation through in-depth 1:1 sessions.
1 x 90-Minute Kick-Off Call to map out your journey
60-Minute In-dept & Private Online Sessions as needed with Marie-Sophie Van De Pas
6 Online In-depth & Life-Changing Modules Explaining All You Need To Know
(in both Written and Audio Version)
Module #1: Take Responsibility
Including: where did they go? why didn't you get what you want? what choices do you have? what to do to turn things around? my personal 'harbouring alignment' schedule and more.
Module #2: Break with Negative Momentum
Including: methods to align your energy, make peace with the now, let go of the past and how you may have been sabotaging yourself (includes my Selection of Life-Changing Knowledge + Exercises For Quick Results)
Module #3: Allow New Momentum
Including: getting clear on the state of being that magnetises love to you, how to build momentum, attain clarity, be receptive to miracles, emotional self-management tactics and more.
Module #4: Create Consciously
Including: A variety of Magic Methods to Manifest Fast, my LOVE INCREMENTS™ method, how to get the behaviour you want from them, and more.
Module #5: Take Inspired Action
Including: What is it? What is it NOT? A before action check-list, when you must act and when you shouldn't.
Module #6: Relate Consciously
Including: All about what it takes to cultivate healthy and loving relationships.
My Selection of Life-Changing Exercises For Quick Results (Simple, Applicable And Clear Processes)
List of Common Pitfalls, to Navigate You Straight To Your Goal
Guided Meditations To Bring Relief During Upsets (Monthly New Uploads)
Love Manifestation Meditations For Success
BONUS: A List of My Book Tips (To Help You Into the Right Mindset)
BONUS: Divine Communication Cheat Sheet: Ask & Receive
BONUS: Love Declutter Workshop
BONUS: Meditation Support + Track Sheet
BONUS: 6 months Access to our Membership Community